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To volunteer, please login to your account and click on the VOLUNTEER tab.
To be included in our email list, please create your account.
To volunteer, please login to your account and click on the VOLUNTEER tab.
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since 07/26/2017 | |
PLEASE REGISTER - When you register, you can use our website, volunteer for events, purchase items for sale, and so much more!
PLEASE JOIN & SUPPORT EVENTS - When you join and support the PTA, you help to pay for assemblies, author visits, new books, student supplies, field trips, recess equipment and much more! These are all things the children MIGHT NOT HAVE without your involvement and financial support. Please join today! ==> Click HERE to join
PLEASE VOLUNTEER - When you can, volunteer! It makes your life and the lives of all our children so much richer. It doesn't take much time to make a huge difference.